History is being made in America today as Barrack Obama, 44th President of the United States bows out of office and hands over the baton of leadership to Donald J Trump. Like Obama who made history as the first black man to become president of the U. S, Trump also made history when he emerged as the first man to win the U.S presidential election without any political experience. He is often described as a political illiterate who emerged from outside of the political scene.
Trump's emergence was a big shock to Americans and indeed political observers around the world. At first, no body expected him to run, but he did. They said he cannot win the Republican ticket, surprisingly, he won the primary election. They said he cannot win the presidential election against a political giant like Hilary Clinton.They argued that Hilary has been in active politics for over thirty years; she has worked at close quarters with the White House being a former First Lady and having served as Secretary of State during Obama's first term. Donald Trump was therefore regarded as the underdog. Some believed that the election has been won even before the election day and that holding the election is a mere ritual. Shockingly the tide swing in another direction and the underdog- Donald J. Trump- won!
The election was historic as it was also the most divisive election in the U.S. The election campaigns was largely based on racism, gender and religious bigotry.Trump's first assignment would therefore be to heal wounds and unite all Americans. In other words he needs to build bridges and not walls.
Analysts have continued to express their dis-appointment over the outcome of the November 2016 election. The Newyork Times inits editorial asks: Can President Trump be Presidential? According to a Newyork Times columnist Nicolas Ortega "We’ve never had a major national leader as professionally unprepared, intellectually ill informed, morally compromised and temperamentally unfit as the man taking the oath on Friday. So let’s not lessen the shock factor that should reverberate across this extraordinary moment".Krugman a popular columnist, also of The Newyork Times writes "Mr. Trump hasn’t pivoted, matured, whatever term you prefer. He’s still the insecure, short-attention-span egomaniac he always was. Worse, he is surrounding himself with people who share many of his flaws — perhaps because they’re the sort of people with whom he is comfortable". He went ahead to make a few examples-" Betsy DeVos, whom Donald Trump has nominated as education secretary, doesn’t know basic education terms, doesn’t know about federal statutes governing special education, but thinks school officials should carry guns to defend against grizzly bears. Monica Crowley, selected as deputy national security adviser, withdrew after it was revealed that much of her past writing was plagiarized. Many other national security positions remain unfilled, and it’s unclear how much if any of the briefing materials prepared by the outgoing administration have even been read. Meanwhile Rex Tillerson, selected as secretary of state, casually declared that America would block Chinese access to bases in the South China Sea, apparently unaware that he was in effect threatening to go to war if China called his bluff."
The question of weather he will be presidential or not will be answered by Mr. Trump's style of governance for the next four years. Congratulations to President Trump. Congratulations to Americans!
The question of weather he will be presidential or not will be answered by Mr. Trump's style of governance for the next four years. Congratulations to President Trump. Congratulations to Americans!
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